
Keeping it green: Sustainable gardening at Stockton House

As individuals, we can all do our part to protect the environment, and that includes making our workplace more sustainable. At Stockton House we are passionate about preserving the nature around us, and have a number of initiatives in place to ensure our grounds thrive.

Planting trees 

Carbon dioxide is one of the biggest drivers of climate change, trees capture and absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen back, they absorb more CO2 as they grow and mature over decades.

Our grounds home to over one hundred mature and semi-mature trees. Following its acquisition by Wigley, 80 trees and saplings have been planted, with a commitment to plant more as part of the future development of the gardens.

Most of the trees planted are native, which create habitats that support an abundance of native fauna and flora by creating shelter and biodiversity.

Plants for pollinators

Our borders are designed to provide flowers for every season; plants that bloom at different times of the year provide food for a whole variety of crucial pollinators and support a vibrant ecosystem throughout the grounds. There is a focus on flowers rich in pollen and nectar to attract bees, butterflies, and moths, with the hope of increasing their numbers, which have been declining due to climate change and habitat loss.

Wildflower meadows

Wildflower meadows have been sown next to the field on the east side of the grounds; Native meadow plants have been selected to encourage wildlife and support pollinators.

Sheep are introduced to the field from late July to graze on the rich meadow until late summer. Grazing is a cornerstone of farming sustainability and environmental responsibility and has produced beautiful wildflower meadows for centuries. We are already seeing an increase in plant species throughout the field.

Hedgerows & woodland

We have planted 110 metres of mixed native hedgerow, providing flowers and fruit to support native wildlife. The gardens are surrounded by a mature hedgerow and combined with the many mature trees of the formal garden, create a woodland habitat that supports a whole variety of fauna and flora with a large population of nesting birds.

Planting for climate

Borders are designed with future climate change in mind. Where conditions require it drought-resistant plants are used to reduce the amount of watering needed throughout the growing season.

Water re-use

We use water butts to harvest rainwater from roofs that are situated throughout the site, reducing the need for mains water. Mulches are applied to the garden borders to retain water, particularly during periods of drought.


We make our own compost; we utilise three large compost bins which allows us to compost all our green garden waste, including green waste from other portfolio sites and projects. This is used for mulching plants and improving the heavy clay soil at Stockton house.

Every 1kg of homemade compost typically saves over 0.1kg fossil CO2 emissions, which could save more than 5.1 kg carbon, per gardener, every year.

Electric powered garden tools

New and replacement garden machinery is electrically powered, utilising one powerpack that drives a series of garden tools. This moves away from petrol powered devices and reduces our carbon emissions and noise pollution.

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